Expansion Joint Rubber Bellow|rubber expansion bellows installation|Rubber Expansion Bellow Manufacturer-Reliable Brand Exporters

Hubei Rongcheng Regeneration Technology Co., LTD adopted 316 Flange Expansion Joint Rubber Bellow

Time:2022-4-24 Edit:2939789029@qq.com

Hubei Rongcheng Regeneration Technology Co., LTD adopted 316 Flange Expansion Joint Rubber Bellow

Hubei Rongcheng Regeneration Technology Co., LTD adopted 316 Flange Expansion Joint Rubber Bellow, Songjiang Group 316 flange Expansion Joint Rubber Bellow prevents sediment accumulation and creates less turbulence and pressure drop.

I. Introduction to Hubei Rongcheng Regeneration Technology Co., LTD:

Hubei Rongcheng Regeneration Technology Co., LTD adopted 316 Flange Expansion Joint Rubber Bellow

Hubei Rongcheng Regeneration Technology Co., LTD. is a paper industry group that vertically integrates upstream and downstream products of industrial paper. A corrugated board and carton factory engaged in high-end containerboard and corrugated base paper manufacturing and professionally providing custom packaging solutions,

Set up paper mills and corrugated box factories in many cities in East China and Central China, with customers in various industries such as information, electronics, pharmaceuticals, and agricultural consumer goods.

The Group has always adhered to an environment-friendly business model and used waste paper as its main raw material. Continue to develop high-tech, reduce the amount of paper used for packaging, use environmentally friendly and recyclable materials, reduce energy consumption, carbon emissions, and environmental pollution, and ensure the commitment to environmental protection and greening of the earth.

2. Introduction to the contract of Hubei Rongcheng Regeneration Technology Co., LTD adopted 316 Flange Expansion Joint Rubber Bellow :

Hubei Rongcheng Regeneration Technology Co., LTD adopted 316 Flange Expansion Joint Rubber Bellow

3. Introduction of 316 Flange Expansion Joint Rubber Bellow:

Hubei Rongcheng Regeneration Technology Co., LTD adopted 316 Flange Expansion Joint Rubber Bellow

316 Flange Expansion Joint Rubber Bellow is a flexible connector fabricated of natural or synthetic elastomers and fabric. Expansion Joint Rubber Bellow offers flexibility allowing concurrent movements, isolation of vibration, reduction of noise, resistance to abrasion, and chemical erosion within fluid systems. If necessary, internal metallic reinforcements are designed to provide stress relief in piping systems due to thermal movements and mechanical vibration.
Pressure: 316 Flange Expansion Joint Rubber Bellow depending on diameter, can have pressure capabilities up to 25 bar.
Abrasion/Erosion Resistance: 316 Flange Expansion Joint Rubber Bellow thickness 12mm to over 25mm. Expansion Joint Rubber Bellow is highly resistant to abrasion and erosion of all types and outperforms metal joints in the applications where these conditions prevail.

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